Feb 18, 2021
Welcome to the latest installment of our Breaking Bloody series, where we systematically break down the Bloody Mary cocktail to investigate what each of its myriad ingredients bring to the table.
This time around, we’re getting saucy, maybe a little zesty, and perhaps un poco picante. That’s right, we’re talking about spice, that flavor that puts some pep in your step and some fire in your belly. This episode goes out to all you pepper-heads out there who enjoy some sweat on your brow and some zing in your chow, you hard-charging capsaicin crusaders, Sriracha muchachas, and Cholula chieftains. To be Frank, it’s gonna be a red-hot ride, so hold on to your scovilles, pour yourself a glass of milk, and for the love of God, keep your hands away from your eyes (and other sundry mucous membranes).
Our expert guests include: