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The Modern Bar Cart Podcast

Jun 19, 2017

Disclaimer: None of the audio or written content hosted here or elsewhere is intended as medical advice. You should always drink in moderation, and always consult a licensed physician before consuming ingredients or substances that are new or unknown to you.


I see the red clover, I see the black locust flowers...I...

Jun 19, 2017

Hello, and WELCOME to the Modern Bar Cart Podcast—the cocktail podcast where we demystify the tools and techniques that make great drinks.

I’m your host, Eric Kozlik, and I’m glad you’ve decided to join me for what may be one of the most crucial early episodes you’ll listen to on this podcast. In Episode 2, I...

Jun 19, 2017

A glass doesn’t have to be vintage to be cool. Choose the glass that makes you feel the best about your drink. -Andrew Whitehead


Hey Everybody,

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Modern Bar Cart Podcast!

I’m your host, Eric Kozlik, and I’m coming to you today with a glassware crash course interview with Andrew...

Jun 19, 2017

Hello, and WELCOME to the Modern Bar Cart podcast, a weekly radio show where we demystify the tools and techniques that make great drinks.

I’m your host, Eric Kozlik, and today I’ve got for you one of the FOUNDATIONS episodes in which we review the essential tools that every good bar cart or home bar should have.


Jun 19, 2017

 To me, hosting is the ultimate form of respect. One of the most selfless things you can do for your friends is to have a well organized, well run get-together. It’s a form of affection.

-Alex Luboff


I used to put a ton of pressure on myself to give people the best drink they’ve ever had...and then I remembered...